1/10 Wintercup of MCRT Aschaffenburg

image008-115 1/10 Wintercup of MCRT Aschaffenburg

Le week end dernier, se déroulait la 2e manche de la Wintercup sur la piste indoor du MRCT Aschaffenburg en Allemagne. La nouvelle moquette est identique à celle de l’EOS. Vanessa et Sébastian domine les débats avec du CRUNCH green à l’arrière et de l’AXIUM Green à l’avant de leurs 4×4…!!

Carton plein pour la nouvelle pilote officielle 6MIK Vanessa WENDE: pole / victoire et record du tour, et belle 2e place en qualif comme en finale pour Sebastian FENSKE.

last weekend was the 2nd round of Wintercup of MCRT Aschaffenburg. Vanessa and Sebastian participated again. The team from MCRT Aschaffenburg bought a new carpet before this race, they now use the EOS carpet which is brilliant. Vanessa and Sebastian used Crunch compound green which worked great, but for the race they both choose another front tyre, both used the 2wd Axium because it gave more balance to the car.

Vanessa TQed again and Sebastian was on 2nd position after qualifying. Best laptime was driven from Vanessa.

Overall Vanessa won all 3 A Finals and Sebastian on 2nd position.


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